
Carolyn Burke

December 7, 2007

London, UK

Carolyn Burke at "The Quintessential Lee Miller," a day-long symposium on the occasion of the centenary exhibition, "The Art of Lee Miller."


November 23, 2007

29, rue de la Parcheminerie, 75005 Paris

The Abbey Bookshop marks the French edition launch of Lee Miller, Une Vie/A Life.


November 20, 2007

37 Avenue de l'Opéra, 75002 Paris

Brentano's welcomes Carolyn Burke, author of Lee Miller: On both sides of the camera.


October 15, 2007

18 rue d'Antin, Paris

"An evening with Lee Miller and Carolyn Burke."


October 12, 2007

102 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, Mo Charonne ou Faidherbe-Chaligny

Rencontre avec CAROLYN BURKE à l'occasion de la parution de sa biographie: Lee Miller dans l'oeil de l'Histoire, une photographe (Autrement). Lee Miller, l'une des photographes essentielles du vingtième siècle, eut un destin remarquable. Carolyn Burke, critique d'art américaine, rencontra Lee Miller en 1977. Sa biographie a été distinguée par le New York Times.


June 8-10, 2007

McEnery Convention Center, San Jose

June 10: "Picture This: Literature Inspired by Art"
Salon A, Sainte Claire Hotel, San Jose.
An evening with Lee Miller and Carolyn Burke.


May 31-June 1, 2007

May 31: Intellectual Feasting. Carolyn Burke and Helen Greenwood in conversation – Carolyn Burke's biography of Lee Miller reveals that after World War II, Miller became a Cordon Bleu chef and invented Surrealist-inspired recipes. Burke's biography includes a "Dinner for Eight" with recipes for some culinary creations with which Miller delighted friends and unnerved food writers. She discusses the sensuous and intellectual appeal of cooking with someone who knows it well, Sydney Morning Herald food writer Helen Greenwood. Sydney Theatre, Richard Wherrett Studio.

June 1: Writing Twentieth Century Lives: Hazel Rowley and Carolyn Burke in conversation– Hazel Rowley's Tête-à-Tête offers the first dual portrait of a legendary couple: passionate, freethinking existentialist philosopher-writers Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. Carolyn Burke's Lee Miller is a portrait of the extraordinary and controversial beauty, fashion model, Surrealist muse, assistant and model of Man Ray, Vogue photographer, war photographer, sexual bohemian, and more. Sydney Theatre.


May 25-26, 2007

May 25: An Hour with Carolyn Burke — "A woman has to be a monster to be an artist," says a character in Carolyn Burke's Lee Miller: On Both Sides of the Camera. Surrealist muse, staggering beauty, Lee Miller took over the camera and recorded the horrors of war. "I could never get the stink of Dachau out of my nostrils," Miller said in old age. In this illustrated talk, Burke lays bare this fascinating woman — a pioneer artist in a largely macho world. ASB Theatre, Level 2 at The Aotea Centre, THE EDGE®

May 26: Giant Footprints in the Sand — Biography reconstructs where giants once walked and climbed. Hagiography is the worshipful account of fame. Following in Edmund Hillary's footsteps, Alexa Johnston gave us insight into an icon. Christine Cole Catley resurrected Beatrice Hill Tinsley, an New Zealand woman astronomer of genius. Carolyn Burke created a multidimensional portrait of the remarkable photojournalist and Surrealist muse, Lee Miller. Where does biography end and hagiography start? Lower NZI Room, Level 1 at The Aotea Centre, THE EDGE®

May 26: Loose Women — Mary Wesley led a wild life. Lee Miller seemed constitutionally incapable of monogamy. In many ways these women acted in a contemporary manner. Was it class that gave them their freedom? Did each pay a high price? Patrick Marnham and Carolyn Burke talk about Mary Wesley and Lee Miller — sexually enfranchised women whose professional lives provided ballast against the anarchy within. ASB Theatre, Level 2 at The Aotea Centre, THE EDGE®